Rocky Road Farm

My Goal
My goal to raise quality animals, meat and eggs for both my family and yours.

We'll have chicks, turkey poults, ducklings, goslings, & both eating and hatching eggs. A few adults for the freezer and for breeding.
Also, we'll have Kathadin/Dorper hair lambs, Pygmy and Pygmy/Nigerian Dwarf bottle kids, and possibily a couple of mini &/or full size Nubian kids. Also, Colored New Zealand Rabbits for meat and breeding and Lionhead bunnies for pets.
Full breed heritage hogs and Pot Belly Pigs.
Several people are requesting Pot Belly Pigs for the smaller homesteads.

I will also be putting in a garden this spring to start raising vegetables to can and barter for other vegetables/fruits we could use.
Another goal is to start a fruit orchard for our use and to barter/sell. So keep watching for that in the future.
If there is any type of animal you're looking for email us. We may know of someone who is raising what you're looking for.


Buff Geese

Buff Geese

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Currently, We're raising a few Dexter cattle, three dairy cross calves.
Several different breeds of goats (Nubians, Nigerian Dwarf, Pygmy and a few crosses).
Katahdin hair sheep which I'm crossing with a gorgeous Dorper ram.
American Buff, Toulouse, & Pilgrim Geese.
Muscovy, Cayuga, Kahaki Campbell. Buff, & Runner ducks.
Blue Slate, Bourbon Red, Standard Bronze, & Royal, Blue and Chocolate Palms.
Bantam Cochins, in several colors, Araucana/Americana (few EEs), Rhode Island Reds, Pigeons, and several different breeds that provide pest control in the yard as well as free range eggs.
We've even raised our own hogs for fresh pork. Will be getting more piglets this coming summer. I raise extras for sale to family and friends to help pay for the feeds and processing of mine.
Rabbits are the meat breed Colored New Zealands. I'm hoping to add more as the year progresses.
We now have two little female Potbellied Piglets and will be adding a male soon for another adventure.
We will have kids available soon for sale as well as a few adult females. We'll consider trades of Nubian females as well as Nigerian Dwarf bucks. Along w/ mixed breed gooslings and pure gooslings, ducklings, chicks as the summer comes.

First Post.

Hi all who know me,
I have decided to start a blog so that I can keep in touch with those who are so far from me now.
Plus share pictures of our farm and the animals what we share it with.
Not to mention the ups and downs of learning to provide for ourselves by learning to make soaps, detergents, grow a garden, raise animals etc etc. Basically getting back to nature as much as I can to provide for my family in the traditional and green way.
I hope that those of you who have gone before me will be willing to share your knowledge so I don't fall on my face quite as much as I will otherwise.
Love to all my family and friends.