Rocky Road Farm

My Goal
My goal to raise quality animals, meat and eggs for both my family and yours.

We'll have chicks, turkey poults, ducklings, goslings, & both eating and hatching eggs. A few adults for the freezer and for breeding.
Also, we'll have Kathadin/Dorper hair lambs, Pygmy and Pygmy/Nigerian Dwarf bottle kids, and possibily a couple of mini &/or full size Nubian kids. Also, Colored New Zealand Rabbits for meat and breeding and Lionhead bunnies for pets.
Full breed heritage hogs and Pot Belly Pigs.
Several people are requesting Pot Belly Pigs for the smaller homesteads.

I will also be putting in a garden this spring to start raising vegetables to can and barter for other vegetables/fruits we could use.
Another goal is to start a fruit orchard for our use and to barter/sell. So keep watching for that in the future.
If there is any type of animal you're looking for email us. We may know of someone who is raising what you're looking for.


Buff Geese

Buff Geese

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Raising Catfish in a Barrel

I can't wait to try this one. I'm planning on also raising Talapia too if possible.


Project Noah


This is a suggested schedule for accumulating a basic food storage.
Just some ideas – make it fit your family.
obviously you would purchase the necessary amount at that time rather than on the “scheduled week.”
Purchase the items listed per member of your family.
If your family does not eat a certain product then substitute for one that they will eat.
Some of the items do not have amounts so buy what you can.
If you continue with this each year and rotate items -you will accumulate a nice storage.
January Week 1 5lbs sugar and 1 box powdered sugar
Week 2 5 lbs flour and 1 jar yeast
Week 3 2 lbs brown sugar and 2 lbs salt
Week 4
Baking powder, Baking soda and 1 box foil
February Week 1 3 cans corn and 3 boxes Jell-O
Week 2 3 cans peas and 3 boxes pudding
Week 3 3 cans string beans and a jar of pickles
Week 4
3 cans tomatoes and 3 spaghetti seasoning packets
March Week 1
4 cans cream of chicken soup, 1 lg jar of salad dressing
Week 2
4 cans chicken noodle soup and 1 jar of chicken stock
Week 3
4 cans cream of mushroom soup, 4 can refried beans
Week 4 3 cans vegetable soup and 2 jars salsa
April Week 1
3 cans favorite soup and 1 box saran wrap
Week 2 2 lbs. macaroni and 2 lbs. spaghetti
Week 3
2 lbs. rice and 2 cans of yams or pumpkin
Week 4
1 lg jar peanut butter and 1 box Ziploc bags
May Week 1
1 lg box instant mashed potatoes & 1 cake mix w/frosting
Week 2 19 oz box of oatmeal and 1 jar mustard
Week 3 1 lg bottle of honey and 1 jar of syrup
Week 4 4 cans tuna and 1 jar mayonnaise
June Week 1 1 lg jar of favorite jam & 1 brownie mix
Week 2
2 cans favorite canned meat & 1 bottle of ketchup
Week 3
1 lg can of chicken in broth & 2 cans pork & beans
Week 4
2 cans beef stew or chili & 2 cans of kidney beans
July Week 1
3 jars of applesauce and 3 cans of peaches
Week 2 1 lg bottle of oil and 1 can of shortening
Week 3 3 cans favorite fruit
Week 4 7 gallons of water
August Week 1 1 lg package of favorite drink
Week 2 1 lg box of instant milk
Week 3 1 lg jar orange juice mix
Week 4 vitamins
September Week 1 peroxide and alcohol
Week 2 first aid cream and cotton balls
Week 3 first aid tape and ace bandages
Week 4 dish soap
October Week 1 laundry soap
Week 2 2 bars body soap
Week 3 bleach and stain remover
Week 4 toothpaste, floss and mouthwash
November Week 1 shampoo, conditioner, hair products
Week 2 sanitary napkins and diapers
Week 3 napkins, paper cups, plastic utensils
Week 4 paper plates and trash bags
December Week 1 toothbrush [good stocking stuffer]
Week 2
toilet paper & individually packaged
Week 3 batteries and flashlight
Week 4 waterproof matches and candles
EXTRAS: Medications
Good First Aid Manual
Cleaning Supplies
Light Bulbs
Disposable Razors

Homemade Bar Soap

Homemade bar soap
Mix 2.3 oz 100% lye drain opener with 7 oz COLD water. BE CAREFUL IT GETS VERY HOT! Heat 16oz lard, shortening, olive, or whatever kind of oil you want. Let both cool to about room temp. Put oil into blender. Slowly add lye mixture to oil. Add a tsp of essential oil, 1 Tbs honey, 1/3 cup oatmeal, and blend. Check it often til it thickens up like pudding. Once it comes to a trace pour into soap mold or square plastic dish. Let set 24 hrs, cut into bars, remove from container. Set aside somewhere to cure, about 6 wks. Enjoy! :)
Adding a tsp sugar to lye mixture will make your bars lather when used. If you want plain soap, don't add the honey, oatmeal, or essential oil. If you want you can add dried parsely flakes, powdered milk, etc.

Homemade Fabric Softner & Stain Remover

HomeMade Laundry Softener and Stain Remover
by Back to the Basics--Hope for the best, Prepare for the Worst on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at 11:11pm

You can save lots of money using these homemade softeners, I know I do!


Recipe #1

2 Cups White Vinegar

2 Cups Baking Soda

4 Cups Water

Combine slowly and carefully over sink. The baking soda and vinegar will fizz. Pour into plastic bottle, cover, and shake.

*Hint - Reuse your "Downy" bottle. (I also reuse my Downy bottle, fill with vinegar and add a couple of tbsp of Downy to make it smell like Downy, or you can use essential oils. Good thing is, even if you don't put anything in it besides vinegar, you clothes DO NOT smell like vinegar-B2B)

Use 1/4 cup in the final rinse or in a "Downy Ball".

Recipe #2

2-3 Cups Water

1 Cup Liquid Fabric Softener

Large Sponge

Combine water and liquid softener. Cut sponge in 1/2 and keep in liquid. When drying clothes, remove sponge, squeeze out excess liquid and place in dryer with clothes. When dry, just place sponge back in liquid to be used for next load.

Recipe #3

1 ½ Cups vinegar

2 Cups hair conditioner (any kind)

3 cups hot water

a few drops of Lavender and Lemon oil

You can also use these products alone to soften:

Plain White Vinegar - Add 1/2 cup to final rinse.

Baking Soda - Add 1/4 cup to final rinse.

Regular Fabric Softener - Dilute and use normally.

Hair Conditioner or Cream Rinse - Pour 1 tablespoon into damp washcloth and toss in with clothes.


Recipe #1

1/2 Cup Ammonia

1/2 Cup White Vinegar

2 Tablespoons Liquid Laundry Detergent (Use HomeMade)

2 Quarts Water

Mix well, and store in spray bottle.

*Hint - Reuse your "Spray and Wash" bottle.

Recipe #2

1/2 Cup Ammonia

1/2 Cup Liquid Laundry Detergent (Use HomeMade)

1/2 Cup White Vinegar

1/2 Cup Water

Mix well, and store in spray bottle.

*Hint - Reuse your "Spray and Wash" bottle.

Recipe #3

1/4 Cup Borax or Washing Soda

2 Cups Cold Water

Sponge on and let dry, or soak the fabric in Borax mixture before washing in soap and cold water.

Recipe #4

For Heavily Stained Clothing

**NOTE: This is for use with white cotton, nylon and polyester only.

1/2 Cup Liquid Laundry Detergent (Use HomeMade)

1/2 Cup Electric Dishwasher Detergent

1/2 Cup Non-Chlorinated Bleach or Ammonia, Not Both

Soak clothes in washing machine overnight or until stains disappear. Launder as usual.

You can also use these products alone to remove stains:

Plain White Vinegar

Hydrogen Peroxide

Fels Naptha

Castile Soap

Lambing season has begun

We have two sets of twins today. Each set has a boy and a girl.