Rocky Road Farm

My Goal
My goal to raise quality animals, meat and eggs for both my family and yours.

We'll have chicks, turkey poults, ducklings, goslings, & both eating and hatching eggs. A few adults for the freezer and for breeding.
Also, we'll have Kathadin/Dorper hair lambs, Pygmy and Pygmy/Nigerian Dwarf bottle kids, and possibily a couple of mini &/or full size Nubian kids. Also, Colored New Zealand Rabbits for meat and breeding and Lionhead bunnies for pets.
Full breed heritage hogs and Pot Belly Pigs.
Several people are requesting Pot Belly Pigs for the smaller homesteads.

I will also be putting in a garden this spring to start raising vegetables to can and barter for other vegetables/fruits we could use.
Another goal is to start a fruit orchard for our use and to barter/sell. So keep watching for that in the future.
If there is any type of animal you're looking for email us. We may know of someone who is raising what you're looking for.


Buff Geese

Buff Geese

Saturday, January 1, 2011

I have so many ideas running around in my head. Things I want to do still, things I want to accomplish.
I would just like to build a 8ft wall around my property and paint the outside of the fence that purple No Trespassing color and become so self sufficient I didn't have to go anywhere to get foods. Make a trip to town just 4 times a year. Wouldn't that be awesome? I've been told I'm anti social.............LOL go figure.
I really hope to grow corn this year that will help me feed the birds I raise for our food and eggs as well as the other animals. Not to mention the little chicks, ducklings, gooslings and turkey poults I sell each summer.
I'll have several bottle babies kids early this year for sell. In Pygmy and Pygmy/Nigerian Dwarf breeds. My two Nigerian Dwarfs both have blue eyes. I'm hoping that the babies have the blue eyes too. After all the bottle babies are sold I'll be selling (for sure) the does and possibily the little buck I have left.
I'll also have several Katahdin/Dorper cross lambs for sale and feeder piglets in late spring and meat rabbit bunnies.
So with those in mind 2011 is looking to shape up to be a very nice year.
I hope that 2011 is for all of my children and friends too. I love you guys and appreciate all you do to help me keep sane the last 2 yrs, 7 months, & 27 days. Not to mention the year before when we were dealing with everything Rocky went thru.

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